With BanBif App you can carry out your operations and inquiries quickly and easily without going to the bank. Find these and other functionalities at your disposal:• Use the SMS Token key to confirm all your operations safely.• Save easily with the Savings Options: Returned Savings and Scheduled Savings.• Pay your post-paid bills for Claro, Movistar and Entel mobile phones.• Recharge your Claro and Movistar prepaid phones.• Open Savings Accounts and Term Deposits from Click Accounts.• Check current exchange rates, you can also buy and sell dollars.• Find the service points closest to you.• View the line of credit and all the details of your Credit Card.• Access exclusive promotions and campaigns for being a BanBif customer.• Transfer between your BanBif accounts and to other Banks.• View and download your Account Statements.• Pay your BanBif credit cards and those of other banks.• Pay your vehicle services, SAT, electricity bills, water and others.• Save and access frequent operations for your convenience.• Request the Loan you need instantly and you will also be able to pay the installments of your current loan.• Pay your receipts from institutions and companies such as schools, universities, insurance and many more.